Use These Yard Tools to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

How can you improve your home’s curb appeal? Boost its attractiveness to friends, neighbors, and passersby? Start with your lawn, garden, and landscaping. Our team collected a few yard tools and tricks to help keep your home looking its best. Find them online or in our store. 

Dual Cut Loppers
Tame overgrowth with these heavy-duty, durable loppers. Long handles and safe, sharp blades will have your bushes looking shapely.

Bypass Pruner
Lawn and garden care is as much about the fine details as it is about large maintenance. This pruner specializes in assisting you with the details that make your landscaping go from good to great.

Fiberglass Garden Rake
A midsummer mulch reload makes a weary landscape pop. Grab this garden rake and ensure each section of your landscape is in tip top shape.

Fertilizer Spreader
Battle summer burnout and help your lawn thrive. Modern Hardware has a variety of lawn fertilizers and this spreader ensures every inch of grass gets the love it needs.

50’ Garden Hose
Quench your lawn’s thirst with a hose that reaches to the farthest corners of your backyard. A garden hose for the front and backyard saves you valuable time and energy outside during the summer months.

Impulse Sprinkler
Once you have the hose, you need the sprinkler. Modern Hardware has plenty of sprinkler heads available, but this one is our team’s favorite. Summer burnout doesn’t stand a chance.

Let’s get your backyard oasis looking clean and green with these yard tools. Follow us on social media @modernhardwaregr and share your backyards with us using #modernhardwaregr.