
Welcome! If you’ve just discovered us, we’re glad you’ve found us here. And if you’ve been wandering around the web wondering what happened to Modern we apologize, but we’re glad you missed us. Many months ago we decided it was time for a new website. We hit a few bumps along the way, but we finally found a great design company in Thinkbox Creative. Early in the process the creative folks at Thinkbox gently encouraged us to update our logo. We liked our current logo, but after some thought it seemed like the right time to freshen our brand. Now our new website features a new logo and when you visit our store you’ll see our staff proudly wearing a new look. Marketing people call this a brand refresh. We hope you find it refreshing.

And our new site isn’t only about a fresh new look. We’ve included some features to make it easier to do business with Modern. Now you can check the status of your special order anytime and anywhere you have access to the web. For customers with an account with us we’ve added a secure portal where you can view and print invoices, statements, and quotes. To sign up for access, click the login button on the home page and follow the instructions.

So please take a look around. We hope you like what you see. Special thanks to all the good people at Thinkbox Creative and to our customers Kate Schollaart of Schollaart Builders, Tim Gray, and Rachael and Dave Veldkamp for participating in our photo shoot.